And we are back!

Well folks it has been some weeks since I last made a post here and I do apologize.  Even more so considering the fact just how much has happened in the last few weeks.  We have had the Navy Yard shooting, storms, wrecks, bombings and attacks and of course the shutdown of the US government.  We are also now coming up on storm season and winter is fast approaching.

We must remember that no matter how safe and secure that we are feeling there is always the chance something bad can happen.  The trick is to be prepared and to take things in stride as they come. If you are unprepared then you will begin to panic.  If you are prepared for what may come then you really do not have much to worry about.  You won’t be relying on the government to come in and save you.  You won’t be caught without extra batteries for lights, or stored food and water for if the power goes out.  What is that old saying?  Don’t get caught with your pants down?

Looking at my news feed on my computer as I sit here at work (yes I am writing this post while at work) I see all sorts of things happening all over the place.  Tropical storm Karen is forming in the Gulf.  A boat full of migrants sank of the coast of Italy and dozens of people have died.  A crash in Tennessee was so severe that it requires the use of dental records to identify the eight people killed.  Deadly hornets, yes HORNETS, have killed 42 people and injured at least 1500 more in China.  This is just a small sampling of what is happening daily around the world that has actually been deemed “news worthy”.  There are many other things that can happen in your daily life that if you are unprepared can escalate quickly yet still not be covered by the news.

An example that happened to my family here recently is we had a bit of a cold snap so I decided it was time to fire up the furnace and get it ready for winter. Well everything worked great the first day but then the second it would not come on.  Mind you this happened first thing in the morning and I was short on time before I had to go to work.  I gave it a quick check, yep no flame up on the start and it just kept cycling.  So I turned off the gas and shut down the power to the furnace and went to work.  The next few days it wasn’t as cold just chilly and I kept putting off looking at the furnace. Finally the weekend came and after surviving the cold for several days with extra blankets and sweatshirts I decided to take another look at the furnace.  I really did not want to pay the money to have a tech come out and look at it so I started trouble shooting.  Long story short I found water in some lines leading to the pressure valve and water in the valve itself!  Cleared that and the furnace came back to life.  Had this happened in the winter my family still would have been safe because we have plenty of alternate ways of keeping warm.  However remember that every single winter there are stories of people freezing to death in their homes because they were caught with no heat in the dead of winter.

Anyway back to site business.  One thing that I have noticed recently is that there seems to be quite a few new “prepper” magazines hitting the shelves lately.  Funny thing is I have been seeing them in the local grocery store and Walmart.  Obviously this is for the most part a chance to cash in on the current prepper craze that is out there.  I decided to pick up copies of the magazines that I see so that I can see exactly what is being put out there for people.  In the next few weeks I will do a review of the magazines that I have found and rate them according to the information presented and give you an idea of who they are aimed at.

Anyway that is all for now and as always…

Stay Safe.

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